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Click here for WHS Graduation/Diploma Requirements and A-G Requirements

Academic Supports: 
Woodland High School is fortunate to have the Learning Resource Center on campus for students who need or would like extra academic support. The LRC is staffed with UCDavis tutors and peers who have excelled in specific academic areas. The LRC is available at lunch and after school.  

Common Questions: 
My student and I are interested in a “home-school / independent learning” alternative…
The Woodland Joint Unified School District Independent Learning Center is an alternative educational program offered to students      who are motivated to complete their requirements at home. Students meet with their teacher once per week and have access to ask questions anytime. Please contact your student’s counselor for details and enrollment information. 
How can a student make up deficient credits?
If the deficient credits are in a required course, attend summer school to earn the missing credits, take an after school intervention class, or enroll in an equivalent class at Woodland Community College
Can a student participate in the graduation ceremony if they are deficient in credits?
The graduation ceremony and high school diploma is reserved for those students who have   completed all of the credit and subject requirements for graduation by June. Seniors needing less than 10 credits for graduation can complete those requirements in summer school and earn their diploma at the end of summer school. 
Can a student participate in the graduation ceremony if they have not completed their Community Service hours?
All high school students must complete a minimum of 40 hours Community Service.   
If a student is interested in turning additional community service hours into elective credits, the will be awarded 1 credit for every 15 hours of service beyond the 40 required for graduation. Please contact your student’s counselor for additional details.
If a student is deficient in credits moving into their junior or senior year, what are the alternatives?
Students who are not able to work successfully in the high school setting, may want to consider Cache Creek High School as an alternative. The student may graduate from Cache Creek High School with a standard California High School Diploma, but must earn 200 credits. All credits earned before entering CCHS will count toward the 200 required. If a student transfers to CCHS and catches up on their credits, they may be eligible to transfer back to their home high school at the semester break. Speak with your student’s counselor for details.
If a student is deficient in credits moving into their senior year, what are the alternatives?
In addition to Cache Creek High School….
Any person 18 years of age or older may enroll in adult classes. Persons 17 years of age may be eligible in certain circumstances. Permission to enroll must be obtained through the Adult Education Director before enrolling. High school diplomas are awarded to students who successfully complete the Adult Education requirements.
The State Department of Education may issue a California High School Equivalency Certificate on the successful passing of the General Education Development (GED) Tests. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older, and a resident of California. The equivalency certificate is accepted in lieu of a high school diploma for military service and employment by state and local agencies in California. However, always check with a military recruiter since requirements for military service do change.