Work Permit
To Be Completed by Student: Print Work Permit Application, Complete & Bring to Student Services
1. Student downloads and fills out form (make sure parent/guardian signs if under 18).
2. Student gives form to the employer to complete (make sure they sign it).
3. Student emails/turns in completed form to Sonia Garcia, in Student Services( Office #8):
Takes 2-3 days to process check back with Sonia Garcia.
Work permits during breaks need to be submitted to the front desk @
Woodland High School Work Permit Information
1. Applications can be obtained in the front office of WHS or in office #8
2. Make sure to complete ALL blank spaces with blue or black ink on the work permit request.
3. Clear ALL FINES listed in the Student Store. Your fines must be cleared before a work permit is issued.
4. Your work permit expires when you leave a job. You must request a new work permit each time you get a job until you are 18.
5. Summer work permits expire on the fifth day after school starts in August.
6. Your work permit expires when you change schools, even if you do not change jobs. You must request a new work permit from your new school upon registration. If you do not register with another school and are not 18, you are not eligible to work.
7. Make sure your employer and parent complete and sign their portion of the work permit.
8. If this is a second job, and you have another work permit on file for a different job, please indicating in writing “2nd job” in the upper left corner.
Work Permit Requirements During the School Year
• Students with work permits at Woodland High are required to maintain appropriate attendance and school performance to maintain their work permits.
• Students with a GPA below 2.0 will not be issued a work permit or have their work permit revoked. Employers will be notified of the revocation of the work permit.
• If the work permit is revoked, students may apply to have their work permit reinstated if attendance and/or academic performance has improved and the student again meets the requirements listed above.
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