Research Tools
California State-Funded Library Databases
California State-Funded Library Databases![]()
Britannica School - Learn more about any subject -- for all grades and all reading abilities--offering thousands of up-to date, curated, and curriculum-relevant articles, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps, research tool, recommended web sites, and three separate databases--Elementary, Middle, or High School.
Escolar - The leading knowledge-building resource that is universally trusted for accurate and age-appropriate content in Spanish.
Brittanica School and Escolar can be used at home. To access them at home log in with:
Username: woodland
Password: wjusd
CultureGrams - Concise cultural information on countries around the world.
eLibrary - General reference aggregation of periodical and digital media content with editorial guidance for novice researchers. Two unique interfaces availalble.
ProQuest Central Student - Millions of articles from more than 10,000 full-text scholarly journals.
SIRS Issues Researcher - Curriculum-aligned database od content organized by complex issues, ideally for middle and high school students and educators.
ProQuest Research Companion - Information literacy tools and tutorials to help develop critical thinking.
Woodland Public Library Databases
Woodland Public Library Databases![]()
All Woodland Joint Unified School District students have free online access to Woodland Public Library Resources.
Username: w followed by your student ID card (lunch) # (example: w12345)
Password: last 4 digits of your student ID card # (example from above: 2345)
Woodland Public Library Resources include:
Help Now - Science and math tutoring
Mango Languages - Learn a new language
Zinio Digital Magazines - Magazines for your Kindle or iPad
Library to Go - Read a book or listen to it on your phone
Job Now - Resume writing
Woodland Joint Unified School District is not responsible for the content of external websites.
- Students
- Students
- Class of...
- Academics
- Class Selection
- Bullying Prevention Form
- WHS Community Service Learning Center
- La Semilla - Assets
- WHS Clubs
- Associated Student Body (ASB)
- Independent Studies
- Community Service Information
- CTE - Career & Technical Education
- Driver's Education
- Incident Statement
- Programs
- Library
- Seal of Biliteracy
- Summer Assignments
- Work Permit
- Petition for shortened day schedule
- Soroptimist International of Woodland
Sacramento Bee
Read news, sports, opinion, weather, comics, classified ads and more at school or at home.
Go to Student Login. The class ID is : library. The password is : wolves. Select Read Today's Paper. Select Sacramento Bee. Be sure to log out when you are finished.
Daily Democrat
A print copy of the Daily Democrat is available in the WHS Library.