Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
(W)riter, reader, thinker, EXPLORER!
Literate Person/Complex Thinker:
- Meets the content and performance standards in all academic and career/technical areas.
- Produces work that reflects a variety of thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving skills.
- Selects appropriate informational resources.
- Questions, analyzes, and evaluates information to create solutions, produce work, and make decisions.
- Explores opportunities to connect with an inner-spark: sports, art, music, clubs, etc.
(H)ears others and responds appropriately.
Effective Communicator:
- Conveys messages, ideas, thoughts, feelings and beliefs to others through various methods.
- Demonstrates the ability to implement a variety of communication techniques including written, auditory, visual, electronic, and nonverbal.
- Listens carefully and responds appropriately.
- Exhibits self-discipline and personal responsibility.
(S)erious about my future.
Self-Directed, Life-Long Learner:
- Takes responsibility for setting personal and academic goals, both at WHS and beyond.
- Creates a plan based on personal, academic, and career goals.
- Selects, adjusts, monitors, and applies problem solving strategies.
- Applies learning to real situations.
- Shows respect for self, and others.
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- WHS Community Stadium Project
- Williams Compliant Classroom Notice